Purpose: ISSLS Instructional Course Committee (ICC) was created to promote Instructional Courses in host countries interested to organize an ISSLS Instructional Course. The ISSLS Instructional Course Committee is and Ad Hoc committee i.e. the committee meets when the chairman calls for a meeting.

Instructional Course Application Deadline: The ISSLS Executive Committee entertains proposals for Instructional Courses up to the January 30 each calendar year. If the deadline cannot be met the director of a proposed course will have to contact the current Secretary of ISSLS. A co-Director must be an ISSLS member if the Director of the instructional course is not an ISSLS member.

Instructional Course Application: The application for a proposed instructional course must include:

  • Country and proposed city

  • Preliminary program and lecturer

  • Collaborative organizations or institutions

  • Budget and sponsors

Note that ISSLS as an organization typically fund one or two ISSLS members to participate at the course, other than supplying one or two speakers the ISSLS will not be funding the rest of the cost expenditure. The local host is expected to find funding for the other speakers and all other expenses for the suggested Instructional Course.

There is no special format for the application; prior course programs can be obtained from Katarina Olinder Eriksson (

Time for preparation for an Instructional Course: Typically an instructional course from the idea to course completion is one to two years. The course has to be approved by ISSLS Executive Committee.